“Being in darkness and confusion is interesting to me. There is some sort of truth to the whole thing if you could just get to that point where you could see it, and live it, and feel it … It’s fantastic. It’s like a strange carnival: it’s a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of pain.” ― David Lynch Life has a funny way of sorting things out so, naturally, you tend to go a little crazy sometimes. The secret is, that’s completely fine! You shouldn’t give yourself an even harder time because of it. Enjoy the ride. But … read more

June 2017 – Pride Month Isn’t it just the perfect time for a playlist to help you celebrate this major social and cultural movement properly? After all, we could always use some inner strength ourselves. This month is not only about supporting the LGBT+ community but also to find love and peacefulness in our hearts. Join your favourite musicians in supporting Pride and discover related songs you wouldn’t have ever guessed. Yes, some of these songs seem unrelated but have been chosen as gay anthems, while others speak about the issues straight-on. Unashamed sexuality, the search for acceptance, hard work, … read more

It’s summer and we recommend taking a vacation to enjoy the golden rays of the sun, dive into the turquoise sparkling waves, try out new cocktails and smoothies, and just pressing pause on your routine. You deserve it! It’s your summer break and there are no rules. Well, just one. Whatever you do, you must either party or relax. To make it even easier for you, we’ve set the tone for your amazing holiday with 15 songs from various genres and years. Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee – Despacito (Remix) ft. Justin Bieber (Latin Pop, 2017) Number 1 is obviously the … read more

Number 5 might surprise you! Sometimes, when we panic we do irrational things. It only makes everything crumble apart faster, but in those moments we just can’t stay idle and let it be. If you are a competitive person, the struggle is ceaseless. You can’t be at the top of the professional ladder if you don’t always impress, as much as you can’t keep a player‘s attention unless you prove to be a fun, talented golden star. Well, the music industry embodies both these issues. The competition is overwhelming and the public is like a hungry beast who thrives on … read more

One of the best parts of the music industry is that it constantly keeps us on our toes! Otherwise, we would probably get bored. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes over the top to do that. Bonds are made and broken like they are nothing, the music itself is bent and moulded into something completely unexpected! Who would have even imagined these massive artists, so different in every way, even exchange a couple of words, let alone collaborate on such timeless songs! 1. Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave – Where The Wild Roses Grow – 1996 “On the second day, he came … read more

As promised, Goldenvoice, the masterminds behind Coachella, is bringing us back, for a second year, one of New York City’s most popular summer music festival, Panorama Music Festival. This year they are ready to do it all again and more, with an insane lineup to rock the PANORAMA STAGE, a new roster of New York-based artists for THE LAB and the debut of a new area, THE POINT. Music festival-addicts hold down your hats, let’s answer some questions and immerse ourselves in the phenomenon that is Panorama Music Festival 2017. When, Where And How Do I Get There?   Photo … read more

When life doesn’t give you a single lemon, you need to accept and understand your negative feelings. When you feel that tingling sensation of anticipation or even fear, remember to breathe and relax. Here is a list of songs to help you prevail, in seven very common situations. 1. Getting Ready for The Exam of Your Life: Exams are annoying and stressful no matter how old you are. Especially when your entire future depends on how you do during those specific 2-3 hours. We all know it’s no use trying to study during the last few minutes. Instead, we recommend … read more

“[The album] is the story of my journey from darkness into light, from a time when I was lost to a time when I found myself again.” Camila Cabello’s breakthrough is marked by both tears and faith as her upcoming album, “The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving”, due for September 2017, has already begun outlining a heart-warming story. She is no longer just one of the five members of Fifth Harmony and her music has changed 100%. “My goal is to be brave and open up my soul,” the artist declared, hoping that her fans will understand her decision to … read more

The juicy twelfth season of the American TV show The Voice, hosted by Carson Daly, just ended. After three exciting months of twists and turns, the winner has been revealed. The charismatic Chris Blue went home with a record deal and $100,000. His victory meant a victory for Alicia Keys, his coach, as well. Besides Alicia, this season’s coach lineup included Adam Levine, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. Actually, the funniest moments of this edition include Adam and Blake teasing each other. Is this a music contest or a sitcom? Priceless! Shania Twain also made an appearance and guided to … read more

Sometimes, the music you listen to can take your breath away… like a blooming rose under the gentle touch of the sun. Other times… it makes you wanna strangle the artists. Well, not literally, but you feel like the universe is working against you. Each time you don’t particularly like a song, it just gets pushed to the top and broadcasted ceaselessly. You hear it in your car… at work… at the grocery store.. in your car… from your next door neighbour… and this goes on and on for at least a couple of months before, if you’re lucky, never … read more