Constantly writing and reinventing music, he was one the first artists to blend rock & roll with pop, funk, folk, and rock.
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Touch Me - Prince
Album: Deliverance
genre: Rock
Now I can touch
Now I can feel
But who will touch me
And know that I am real
Who will touch me
Who will touch me
Who will?
[?] sweet [?]
Come to me quickly
Heed what I say now
Reach out and touch me
Reach out and touch me
Reach out and touch me
Lyrics added by Thomas B. Watts
More lyrics from Prince
More from Thomas B. Watts911 / Mr. Lonely - Tyler, The Creator

Song details
- Publishing: Rogue Music Alliance
- Co-Production: Ian Boxill & Prince
- Composition: Ian Boxill & Prince
- Vocals: Prince
- Release Date: April 21, 2017