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Bodies - Sex Pistols

Album: Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols

genre: Punk

She was a girl from Birmingham
She just had an abortion
She was case of insanity
Her name was Pauline she lived in a tree

She was a no one who killed her baby
She sent her letter from the country
She was an animal
She was a bloody disgrace

Body I’m not an animal (x2)

Dragged on a table in factory
Illegitimate place to be
In a packet in a lavatory
Die little baby screaming
Body screaming fucking bloody mess
Not an animal
It’s an abortion

Body I’m not an animal (x2)

Throbbing squirm
Gurgling bloody mess
I’m not a discharge
I’m not a loss in protein
I’m not a throbbing squirm

Fuck this and fuck that
Fuck it all and fuck the fucking brat
She don’t want a baby that looks like that
I don’t want a baby that looks like that
Body I’m not an animal
Body an abortion

Body I’m not an animal
Body I’m not an animal
An animal
I’m not an animal
An animal
I’m not an animal
I’m not an animal

Mummy! UGH

Lyrics added by Sandra Quinn

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Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols Calvin Harris album lyrics
This is a controversial song about abortion.
The lead singer explained it was loosely based on a woman he knew. "She turned up at my door once wearing a see-through plastic bag. The fetus thing is what got me. She'd tell me about getting pregnant by the male nurses at the asylum or whatever."