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And well, I think I’ve gone mad
Isn’t that so sad?
And what a shame
You’ve lost a brain
That you never had

Oh, mum, check the car
It can’t have gone far
I must have left it on a train or lost in a bar
It’s likely
In a Sainsbury’s
Flirting with the girls and waiting for me

I jumped on a bus, declared my name
And asked if anybody had seen my brain
–“Your brain was last seen going for a run.
And would you sign an autograph for my daughter Laura?
‘Cause she adores ya,
But I think you’re shit.”
I’ve gotta look for my brain for a bit!

I stepped outside,
It hurt my eyes
Well, what do you expect when you’ve got no mind!
I searched all day.
It drove me insane
Where would I be if I was my brain?

The nice nurse told me she felt my pain
But she couldn’t find a single trace of my brain
“Oops, I Did It Again” started playing
Forget my brain,
Remember my pain

Lyrics added by Degas Van Anton

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I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware Of It Wavves album lyrics
"It's intense but it doesn't take itself too seriously", Healy told to NME.
Song details
  • Publishing: Dirty Hit, Interscope
  • Co-Production: Crossey, Healy
  • Mixing: Mike Crossey
  • Release Date: 26 February 2016
"The Ballad of Me and My Brain" is about the hardships Healy and drummer George Daniel encountered when faced with the burden of creating a follow-up to their debut album.