Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd is the most important psychedelic and progressive rock band of all times. They are famous for their complex musical compositions and lyrics, depicting difficult psychological, social and political issues.
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Speak to Me - Pink Floyd
Album: The Dark Side of the Moon
genre: Rock
“I’ve been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, been
over the edge for yonks, been working me buns off for bands…”
“I’ve always been mad, I know I’ve been mad, like the
most of us…very hard to explain why you’re mad, even
if you’re not mad…”
Lyrics added by Isabelle P.
More lyrics from Pink Floyd
More from Isabelle P.

"Speak to Me" is the first track from Pink Floyd's album "The Dark Side of the Moon".
Song details
- Recording: Abbey Road Studios
- Samples: "Breathe (In The Air)" by Roger Waters
"Speak to Me" was written by Nick Mason.