Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd is the most important psychedelic and progressive rock band of all times. They are famous for their complex musical compositions and lyrics, depicting difficult psychological, social and political issues.
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If you didn’t care what happened to me,
And I didn’t care for you
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching for pigs on the wing
Photo credits: Wikipedia
Lyrics added by Isabelle P.
More lyrics from Pink Floyd
More from Isabelle P.

"Pigs on the Wing (Part One)" is a love declaration to Waters' wife.
Song details
- Composition: Roger Waters
- Release Date: 2 February 1977
"Pigs on the Wing (Part One)" is a simple song, without instrumentation besides an acoustic guitar.