Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd is the most important psychedelic and progressive rock band of all times. They are famous for their complex musical compositions and lyrics, depicting difficult psychological, social and political issues.
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Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert - Pink Floyd
Album: The Final Cut
genre: Progressive Rock
“Oi…Get your filthy hands off my desert!”
“What ‘e say?”
Brezhnev took Afghanistan
Begin took Beirut
Galtieri took the Union Jack
And Maggie, over lunch one day
Took a cruiser with all hands
Apparently, to make him give it back
Lyrics added by Isabelle P.
More lyrics from Pink Floyd
More from Isabelle P.

"Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert" is a list of some world leaders and the past events that they have been involved in.
Song details
- Composition: Roger Waters
- Release Date: 2 April 1983
- Samples: "Echo Canyon" by Sonic Youth