Nightwish is one of the most successful symphonic metal bands of all time.
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Slow, Love, Slow - Nightwish
Album: Imaginaerum
Come and share this painting with me
Unveiling of me, the magician that never failed
This deep sigh coiled around my chest
Intoxicated by a major chord
I wonder
Do I love you or the thought of you?
Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely
Southern blue, morning dew
Let-down-your-guards, I-love-you’s
Ice-cream castles, lips-to-ear rhymes
A slumber deeper than time
Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely
Lyrics added by Sandra Quinn
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This song was inspired by 1930's jazz music.
Tuomas also found inspiration after re-watching David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" and wanted to capture its vibe in a song.