Incubus is an American nu-metal band formed in the early 90s. They released several platinum albums and number 1 hits.
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Yes, I was but a boy and everything was money
I found a girl so juicy and sweet
I was just a sweet little boy
She showed me how to shower
And I took that shower
Oh a shower
Oh that shower and I
That was the day I became a man
Ha ha ha, ooh
Ha ha ha.
Lyrics added by Bianca G.
More lyrics from Incubus
More from Bianca G.Green Eyes - Judah and the Lion

Song details
- Publishing: Island Records
- Co-Production: Dave Sardy, Skrillex
- Mixing: Skrillex
- Composition: Incubus
- Vocals: Brandon Boyd
- Release Date: 21 April 2017