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The Wide-Eyed and Laughing - Elton John

Album: Blue Moves

genre: Rock

Are you still in control of the boat that you row
Or do you still cling to me when its sinking
I never condemned you, I only consoled you
When candlelight made me a King

For the wide-eyed and laughing
Passed like a season, erasing a passion to sin
For no one knew better than the tea leaves and the tarots
That the wide-eyed and laughing
Were just one step ahead of the wind

And the hearts that you played on the porch swing for me
Was a song that I’d heard in the past
For I had an audience somewhere inside you
That applauded whenever you laughed

For the wide-eyed and laughing
Passed like a season, erasing a passion to sin
For no one knew better than the tea leaves and the tarots
That the wide-eyed and laughing
Were just one step ahead of the wind

Gone is a word that I now rarely use
Though sometime in the course of a day
I go racing back like a man possessed
By the wide-eyed and laughing
Daughters of some different age.

Lyrics added by Bianca G.

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Blue Moves Judah and the Lion album lyrics
Song details
  • Co-Production: Gus Dudgeon
  • Composition: Bernie Taupin and Elton John
  • Vocals: Elton John
  • Release Date: 22 October 1976