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Solar Prestige a Gammon - Elton John

Album: Caribou

genre: Pop Rock

Oh ma cameo molesting
Kee pa a poorer for tea
Solar prestige a gammon
Lantern or turbert paw kwee

Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin

Cod ee say oo pay a loto
My zeta prestige toupay a floored
Ray indee pako a gammon
Solar prestige a pako can nord

Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin

Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin.

Lyrics added by Bianca G.

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Caribou Judah and the Lion album lyrics
Elisabeth Rosenthal wrote in "His Song: The Musical Journey of Elton John", that the inspiration came from another song named "Abbey", by The Beatles.
Song details
  • Co-Production: Gus Dudgeon
  • Composition: Bernie Taupin and Elton John
  • Vocals: Elton John
  • Release Date: 28th June 1974
Elton said that he found interesting to put along English words that mean nothing, but that somehow would sound great being put together.