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Hercules - Elton John

Album: Honky Château

genre: Rock

Ooh I got a busted wing and a hornet sting
Like an out of tune guitar
Ooh she got Hercules on her side
And Diana in her eyes

Some men like the Chinese life
Some men kneel and pray
Ooh well I like women and I like wine
And I’ve always liked it that way
Always liked it that way

I can’t dig it, the way she tease
That old tough man routine up her sleeve
Living and loving, kissing and hugging
Living and loving with a cat named Hercules
A cat named Hercules

Oh and it hurts like hell to see my gal
Messing with a muscle boy
No superman gonna ruin my plans
Playing with my toys

Rich man sweating in a sauna bath
Poor boy scrubbing in a tub
Me, I stay gritty up to my ears
Washing in a bucket of mud
Washing in a bucket of mud.

Lyrics added by Bianca G.

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Honky Château Judah and the Lion album lyrics
In the same year that Elton married Renate Blauel, the woman to whom he had been married for four years, John confirmed in a live performance at Sydney that the song indeed refers to his middle name.
Song details
  • Co-Production: Gus Dudgeon
  • Composition: Bernie Taupin and Elton John
  • Vocals: Elton John
  • Release Date: 19th May 1972