Christina Aguilera
Singer-songwriter Christina Aguilera is an American Grammy-award winner mostly known for her unique voice and unapologetic image.
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Waited a long time for this, feels right now
Allow me to introduce myself,
Want you to come a little closer.
I’d like you to get to know me a little better
Meet the real me.
Sorry you can’t define me
Sorry I break the mold
Sorry that I speak my mind
Sorry don’t do what I’m told
Sorry if I don’t fake it
Sorry I come too real
I will never hide what I really feel. No way, oh.
So here it is
No hype, no glass, no pretense.
Just me
Photo credit: Wikipedia
Lyrics added by Denise T.
More lyrics from Christina Aguilera
More from Denise T.

"Stripped Pt. 1" is an intro for the album with the same name.
In this intro Christina Aguilera defines herself.