Calvin Harris
Calvin Harris is a Scottish record producer, DJ, singer and songwriter.
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I Created Disco - Calvin Harris
Album: I Created Disco
genre: Electronic
Would you just like to tell us
How you began creating disco?
Well it was the mid 70’s
I was a virtually unknown producer at the time
And I, I was conducting various sonic experiments
With the assistance of Mary, my wife
Anyway during one session I discovered that
By using a succession of techniques
I, I actually developed during the war
I could create an entirely new genre of music
And that was the night I created disco
I created disco
Lyrics added by Amélie
More lyrics from Calvin Harris
More from Amélie

"I Created Disco" is the ninth track from Harris' debut studio album, "I Created Disco".
Song details
- Recording: Calvin Harris
- Mixing: Calvin Harris
- Vocals: Calvin Harris
- Release Date: June 15, 2007
The song was written by Harris himself.