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Kings of the Weekend - Blink-182

Album: California

genre: Pop-Punk Punk-Rock

Can you read my thoughts
I’m not sure what I said
I feel dumb and
Long night coming

Did you steal my prayers
I don’t know where I was
I feel numb and
All or nothing (all or nothing)

It’s Friday night let’s lose our minds
In a downward spiral
Here we go
Because we got no control (no control)

It’s Friday nights always save my life
From the worst of times
We ever had
Thank God for punk rock bands

Until Monday morning strikes again
We are the kings of the weekend

I can feel my head
Falling off my neck
I need something
To keep going

So just take my hand
Only seconds left
The clock’s running
Our time’s coming


It’s Friday night let’s lose our minds
In a downward spiral
Here we go
Because we got no control (no control)

It’s Friday nights always save my life
From the worst of times
We ever had
Thank God for punk rock bands

Until Monday morning strikes again
We are the kings of the weekend

It’s Friday night let’s lose our minds
In a downward spiral
Here we go
Because we got no control (no control)

It’s Friday nights always save my life
From the worst of times
We ever had
Thank God for punk rock bands

Until Monday morning strikes again

Lyrics added by Isabelle P.

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California Danzig album lyrics
John Feldmann told Fuse: "This is another song we didn't think was going on the record. We had too many songs. When listening back with the whole team, the management, the label, we realized the riff is so good, it just felt right. There are no songs on the record that have a great, classic guitar riff that people will recognize and so [it stuck.] This was song number three, Travis raised his hand and trumped us all and reminded us that this is what Blink is, this epic guitar thing. It's not lyrically as deep some of the other songs, but it's the party song. We've all had day jobs and we all know what it's like to have that day off to do what we want, this is that song."
Song details
  • Recording: Foxy Studios, Woodland Hills, CA
  • Mixing: Cervini, Avron, Lancaster, Grosse
  • Mix Engineering: Zakk Cervini, Matt Pauling
  • Composition: Feldmann, Skiba, Hoppus, Barker
  • Release Date: July 1, 2016