Blink 182 is an American punk rock band. The highest peak of their career was during the late 90s but they are still very popular.
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Brohemian Rhapsody - Blink-182
Album: California
genre: Pop-Punk Punk-Rock
There’s something about you
That I can’t quite put my finger in
Lyrics added by Isabelle P.
More lyrics from Blink-182
More from Isabelle P.

John Feldmann, the album producer, said to Fuse: "Mark and I are coffee fanatics. Verve is one of my favorite coffee places in L.A. We were there before a session one day, drinking coffee and talking. We had 'Cynical' and we thought we needed another fast one. He had the lyric, 'There’s something about you I can’t put my finger in', he has these classic one-liners, so we said, 'Alright, let’s do a fast punk song.'"
Song details
- Recording: Foxy Studios, Woodland Hills, CA
- Mixing: Cervini, Avron, Lancaster, Grosse
- Mix Engineering: Zakk Cervini, Matt Pauling
- Composition: Feldmann, Skiba, Hoppus, Barker
- Release Date: July 1, 2016