Elton John
Whether it was for a movie, a TV show, an animation or an album, Elton John wrote heartfelt music that changed history.
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For our world, the circle turns again
Throughout the year we’ve seen the seasons change
It’s meant a lot to me to start anew
Oh the winter’s cold but I’m so warm with you
Out there there’s not a sound to be heard
And the seasons seem to sleep upon their words
As the waters freeze up with the summer’s end
Oh it’s funny how young lovers start as friends
Yes it’s funny how young lovers start as friends.
Photo Credit: Discogs
Lyrics added by Bianca G.
More lyrics from Elton John
More from Bianca G.Green Eyes - Judah and the Lion

Song details
- Co-Production: Gus Dudgeon
- Composition: Bernie Taupin and Elton John
- Vocals: Elton John
- Release Date: 5 March 1971