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Marigold - Nirvana

Album: Singles

genre: Grunge

He’s there in case I want it all
He’s scared ’cause I want
He’s scared in case I want it all
He’s scared ’cause I want

All in all the clock is slow
Six color pictures all in a row
Of a marigold

He’s there in case I want it all
He’s there ’cause I want
He’s there in case I want it all
He’s scared ’cause I want

All in all the clock is slow
Six color pictures all in a row
Of a marigold

He’s there in case I want it all
He’s scared ’cause I want
He’s there in case I want it all
He’s there ’cause I want

All in all the clock is slow
Six color pictures all in a row
Of a marigold

Photo source Wikipedia

Lyrics added by Thomas B. Watts

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"Marigold" was written by Nirvana's drummer Dave Grohl. He served as a lead vocalist on the track and is vehiculated that Kurt Cobain was absent during the production of this song.
Song details
  • Publishing: DGC
  • Co-Production: Steve Albini
  • Composition: Dave Ghrol
  • Vocals: Dave Ghrol
  • Release Date: December 1995
Dave Grohl, later on, re-recorded this track with his new band Foo Fighters and it is featured on the band's album "Skin and Bones".