Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin is the legendary heavy metal band that pioneered the genre of hard rock.
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Oh, nobody’s fault but mine
Nobody’s fault but mine
Trying to save my soul tonight
Oh, it’s nobody’s fault but mine
Devil he told me to roll
Devil he told me to roll
How to roll the log tonight
Nobody’s fault but mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Brother he showed me the gong
Brother he showed me the ding dong ding dong
How to kick that gong to light
Oh, it’s nobody’s fault but mine
Got monkey on my back
M-m-m-monkey on my back, back, back, back
Gonna change my ways tonight
Nobody’s fault but mine
I gotta change my ways of life
N-n-n-n-n-nobody’s fault
Lyrics added by Isabelle P.
More lyrics from Led Zeppelin
More from Isabelle P.

"Nobody's Fault But Mine" is a traditional gospel song.
Song details
- Publishing: Swan Song
- Co-Production: Jimmy Page
- Recording: Musicland Studios, Munich
- Composition: Robert Plant, Jimmy Page
- Release Date: 31 March 1976
'Nobody's Fault But Mine" was called "one of the most relentless pieces of pure rock this group ever mined".