Born Usher Raymond IV, the prolific artist started singing in the church choir. A very successful artist, Usher gathered no less than 126 awards up to now.
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Intro-Lude 8701 - Usher
Album: 8701
genre: R&B / Soul
Man it’s been a long time coming
But I never forgot about you
I’m here
Yeah, we’ve traveled the world
Seen a lot of places, so many faces
We had a good time – we’ve grown together
Who would’ve thought we’d stay down this long, heh?
This is my chance to share my world with you
And I know you’re gonna like it
Are you ready?
Lyrics added by Amélie
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"Intro-Lude 8701" is the first track from Usher's third studio album "8701".
Song details
- Co-Production: Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis
- Recording: Pat Viala
- Mixing: Pat Viala
- Release Date: August 7, 2001
The song was written by Usher.