Radiohead are an English rock band from Abindgon, Oxfordshire.
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Burn The Witch - Radiohead
Album: A Moon Shaped Pool
genre: Experimental Rock
Stay in the shadows
Cheer at the gallows
This is a round up
This is a low flying panic attack
Sing a song on the jukebox that goes
Burn the witch
Burn the witch
We know where you live
Red crosses on wooden doors
And if you float you burn
Loose talk around tables
Abandon all reason
Avoid all eye contact
Do not react
Shoot the messengers
This is a low flying panic attack
Sing the song of sixpence that goes
Burn the witch
Burn the witch
We know where you live
We know where you live
Photo Source: Discogs
Lyrics added by Degas Van Anton
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More from Degas Van Anton

Jonny Greenwood: "So this song was just Thom singing in a drum machine and nothing else, and then I wrote strings to that."
Song details
- Publishing: XL
- Co-Production: Radiohead, Nigel
- Mixing: Nigel Godrich
- Composition: Radiohead
- Release Date: 3 May 2016
The video was animated by Virpi Kettu.