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Electioneering - Radiohead

Album: OK Computer

genre: Alternative Rock

I will stop
I will stop at nothing
Say the right things
When electioneering
I trust I can rely on your vote

When I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet

Riot shields
Voodoo economics
It’s just business
Cattle prods and the IMF
I trust I can rely on your vote

When I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet

Lyrics added by Degas Van Anton

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OK Computer Wavves album lyrics
The song was inspired by the writings of the media critic Noam Chomsky.
Song details
  • Publishing: Parlophone, Capitol
  • Co-Production: Radiohead, Nigel
  • Mix Engineering: Nigel, Warren
  • Composition: Radiohead
  • Release Date: 16 June 1997 (UK)
"Electioneering" was also inspired by the fact that the band had to tour and meet people and "after a while you feel like a politician who has to kiss babies and shake hands all day long"(declared guitarist Ed O'Brien).