The 1975
The 1975 are an English band from Manchester.
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Lostmyhead - The 1975
Album: I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware Of It
genre: Indie Rock Synthpop
And he said I’ve lost my head
Can you see it? Can you see it?
Belly aches while you’re in bed
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Lyrics added by Degas Van Anton
More lyrics from The 1975
More from Degas Van Anton

The motif of this song, " lost my head", is found all around the 1975's second album.
Song details
- Publishing: Dirty Hit, Interscope
- Co-Production: Crossey, Healy
- Mixing: Mike Crossey
- Release Date: 26 February 2016
"Lostmyhead" talks about drugs, identity crisis and breakdown.